
Find understand the mechanisms of type 1 diabetes

One disorder that causes diabetic condition led to changes in patients with diabetes. So patients must often pay attention mechanisms of diabetes.
  • In the pathogenesis of type 1 diabetes mellitus (diabetes) Type 1 is the state of chronic hyperglycemia as a result of the shortage of absolute or relative insullin accompanying protit metabolic disorders, lipid. The disorder can lead to complications of acute and chronic.
  • Type 1 diabetes is a severe form of diabetes, if untreated will cause acidosis ketones. The disease is common in children but can also occur in older people. Lack of insulin three target organ is the liver, muscle and adipose tissue is not only receiving nutritional depletion that sugar, amino acids and fatty acids from the corresponding reserve tissues are transported into the bloodstream. Therefore, changing the metabolism of fat as production and accumulation of ketones. Some pathogenic mechanisms mediated type 1 diabetes the immune:
  • There is much evidence that type 1 diabetes the immune basis and is an autoimmune disease. Atopic patients with genetic susceptibility to type 1 diabetes the beta cells initially normal, then the immune response causes inflammation and damage to beta cells immune factor: It was found to have a some antigens located on pancreatic islet cells such as GAD (glutamic acid decarboxylase), is activated antigen autoimmune reaction, causing T lymphocytes secrete pancreatic islet beta cell destruction lymphokin. Genetic, familial factors, environmental factors:
  • Look at the identical twin pairs, the rate of type 1 diabetes in this pair from 30-40%. This proves that not all cases are hereditary, and there are other environmental factors in disease expression. Some environmental factors alter the function of beta cells, such as viruses (mumps, rubela, coxsackie virus B4); some chemicals (rodenticides nitrophenylurea) and the destruction of the cell (hydrogen cyanide in cassava and tapioca broken) ≥ 40% of patients with type 1 diabetes runs in families, and people know sensitive genes type 1 diabetes in the short arm of chromosome 6. most importantly complex DQ and DR molecules HLA class II drug group. 21 DR DR3 and DR4 found but the most sensitive factors of diabetes type 1. Approximately 95% of patients with type 1 diabetes have DR3 or DR4 white or both of them while only having about 40-50% patients without diabetes. In the US, patients with type 1 diabetes risk highest DR3 and DR4 when mutually.

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